Local Goverment
Diego Gómez, Mayor
Isabel Aguilar, councilwoman
Iván Martínez, ccouncilman
A society like ours requires public institutions to promote policies that guarantee equality.
Nowadays, administrative bodies should have the priority of providing basic rights and wellbeing to citizens.
The dedication of the Economic and Employment council has been developed through the Local Development Agency IDEA (Economic Development Initiative of Alzira).
For this reason, we would like to publicly thank the daily work of the Local Development Agency in Alzira, their director Carmen Herrero and all the people working at IDEA, who make this public service essential for our City Council and city. IDEA has put all its effort into helping our citizens seek for new opportunities and small businesses to generate greater prosperity.
As the governing body of Alzira we will make every effort to strengthen valuable public services such as IDEA.